
Monday, June 28, 2010

Another one to love....

Lola Maria arrived on Wednesday, June 16th! She is my fifth grandchild, my fourth granddaughter, and second child of MY second child, Michael.

She wove a strand around my heart just like the other four have and attached herself firmly within the mesh of love that resides there.

I believe she looks just like her daddy on the day he was born. She seems to follow his eating and sleeping patterns as well. She is beautiful beyond belief, perfect beyond our prayers, and loved beyond her imagination.
I cannot believe I am a grandmother of five. I don't feel that old and don't believe I look that old...but then, the face of today's grandmothers has changed. Just look around you. Today's grandmothers no longer have white hair and canes. Good thing for me, because it ain't easy keeping up with five grandchildren aged five and under!

School's Out For Summer!

Today marked the first day back at work since school let out for the summer. The kids finished up on Thursday, the teachers Friday, and today......Monday, June 28th, was a "clean up" day for me. I discarded schedules, lists and the left over programs from the ceremonies I had been planning since March. They were executed without a glitch. They should be flawless since I have been organizing them since 1991. If I havent' mastered it yet, then I should really hang it up.

Thursday, the 1st will mark another year down and counting towards my long desired retirement. I predict this will have been my last full year.

I will be on "vacation" until after the 4th of July. This vacation will consist of catching up on a host of chores I have been putting off for "when I get a chance." My list consists of visits to family and friends, a stop at my favorite craft store, cooking a few home-cooked meals, planning a "real" vacation and spending some quality time with my kitty, Lucy.

No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks. Humm. The saying applies to secretaries, as well as kids!