
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Feed The Children

As a child, I was NOT a good eater. As a matter of fact, I remember having to drink an absolutely, awful milkshake-type of beverage that came out of a can. That was WAY back in the day, mind you. It was probably a tin can, at that. Anyway, the doctor (my grandmother?) thought that I was too thin, didn't eat well and needed some supplemental intake. This came to be once I found her lying about adding a raw egg into a real chocolate milkshake she was fixing for me each morning. I remember feeling so horrified the first time I saw her adding the egg to my delicious milkshake. She told me she always added it, but once I KNEW it was in there, the taste suddenly changed. I began to experience an "egg-y aftertaste." She then began to prepare the shake when I wasn't in the kitchen. But, each time, before I lifted the glass to my lips, I would ask her if it contained an egg and she would SWEAR that it didn't. I remember going over to the metal "hit the foot pedal" trash can and there, as I suspected, laid a fresh egg shell. If only I knew how bad the "shakes" would be that the doctor ordered, I would have drank her homemade ice cream shakes with real whole milk-egg or not!!!! Oh my.....big mistake.

To get back to being a poor eater, my grandfather sat to my left at the dinner table and enabled me in my poor eating habits by letting me pass pieces of meat and vegetables onto his plate when no one was looking. Sometimes, I handed off the bites of food under the table. Every once in awhile, my father would catch us in action and reprimand me for not appreciating the fact that I even HAD food to eat at all. "There are starving kids in Biafra, you know." I would hear that line over and over and feel guilty that I wasn't hungry. Apparently, according to Wikipedia, "On June 30, 1969, the Nigerian government banned all Red Cross aid to Biafra. Two weeks later, it allowed medical supplies through the front line, but restricted food supplies." Due to that ban, thousands of people died from starvation. I wish I could have eaten something for one of them, but I just wasn't hungry!

I must have been on the cusp my "hormonal" age when one night, I rebelled. After getting the "starving kids" lecture, I stood up and demanded an envelope. "If these kids are starving, then get me an envelope. I'll mail my steak to one of them." Very disrespectful, I now admit, but I don't recall any backlash from my father from my out-of-character outburst. Perhaps he realized there was nothing I could do to help those kids.

Today, I find myself making donations to the Red Cross and UNICEF. I think about those poor kids and wished I could have done something for them when they needed it most. I can thank my father for laying the ground work of guilt that makes me want to make up for not eating when I was a kid. The scale indicates that not only has guilt given me an appetite, but it also urges me to utilize PayPal to make my donations. I get the opportunity to free my soul every now and then and help someone who can't help themselves. Try it, it tastes good!

Friday, October 9, 2009


As a young girl, I had lofty aspirations (for a girl of that time) of growing up to be a wife and mother of two children.....a girl and a boy. The "perfect" family. Everything I ever wanted...Well, I did grow up to be a wife, a young one, at that, and a mother, again, a young one. My first son was born soon after I turned 20. My second son was born when I was 21. At some point previous, and during most of my second pregnancy, I remember wishing so badly for a girl....God gave me a son and for that I have been ever so grateful. I was fortunate to have had two sons who were the best of friends growing up. If I had the boy and girl, their lives would have intersected and ended up much differently. So much for ever thinking that what you want is actually what's best in the larger scheme of life. I am happy that my sons still love each other in spite of the fact that they differ from each other so very much. People who have never had children will ask if you love one child more than another and I could never understand the question. It's like asking if you love the warmth of the sun more than you love the glow from the moon. Or love spring more than fall. I love them both, but for different reasons.

One thing I certainly do love about my sons is the fact that they inherited their "good taste" from their mother. They have both provided me with daughters...girls I had longed for, but didn't have to give birth to. I don't think I would have been a good mother to a girl. I probably would have tried to re-live my motherless childhood through my daughter by desperately trying to be the mother I wished I had. Now, I just get to enjoy the companionship and love of two women who happen to love and care for my boys. Mind you, not as much as I DO, but the next best. LOL

I often give advice to my friends who are about to become "mothers-in-law." I offer up my opinion that if you make your daughter-in-law (DIL) happy, you will, in turn, make your son happy. I also told my sons that they should "choose" their wife over their mother every time since she will be the one taking care of you from now on, not me, and I will love you no matter what choice you make.

I made it a point to admit to my DILs that I am only human and capable of being intrusive, insensitive or incongruous, albeit never intentionally. The trick is to just stop me in my tracks with a "code" word and then we will both enjoy a good laugh. I use this tactic with DIL #1. My code name is "Marie," after Marie Romano, of "Everybody Loves Raymond." Marie: the typically miserable "mother-in-law" (MIL). Now, I am proud to say, that DIL #1 (aka Deborah) has only called me "Marie" twice. She may tell you she has wanted to call me "Marie" more than that, but I can attest to the fact that I have actually only heard two utterances. Not bad for over 6 years into my MIL status.

Thank you, God, for giving me two boys. I love them both. Two completely different and unique individuals with different talents and tastes.....I love my DILs...again two completely different and unique individuals who I ADORE. Indeed, "Life is beautiful," as my email tag line states. Beautifully full of sons and daughters...and love.