
Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Toys for My Boys

Every year when Christmas time rolls around, I try to find gift ideas for my two grown sons. This year, I was able to come up with some fun ideas for my younger son, the chef. I gave him some spending money for his favorite toy store, "," a great Italian cookbook and some special cooking herbs from a flea market in Union Square, NYC.

My older son, the one who works the educational field, is the harder one to find unique, fun-filled gifts. However, this year, I put a smile on his face by sending him his long-ago, long-wished for, never-to-have-received (and thus scarred his sweet childhood memories), TRAPPER KEEPER.

While attending a family wedding, we had a conversation (after a couple of glasses of wine) regarding childhood disappointments and he mentioned that he never received a Trapper Keeper. I couldn't believe that was the first thing that rolled off his tongue. I didn't hear that he didn't get a brand new 10 speed, or a great video game. No, not my poor, deprived son. He didn't get a Trapper Keeper. Solution? Ebay. One "new in package" 1980's version of his childhood desire. I think I had more fun bidding on it, winning and then getting to give it than he did receiving it and explaining to his kids what it exactly was and why he had wanted one so badly. Santa struck again!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Facebook Freak Out

Oh well, I knew the day would come when I would finally freak out over Facebook. I HATE Facebook. I never wanted to join FB, I only tried it to search out my old friend, Roseanne Fusco. Instead, a bunch of people from the 70's, most of whom didn't want to be my friend way back then, started to send me friend requests. I truly believe they only wanted to see if I had gained as much weight as they had after all these years. After awhile of FB'ing, I decided that I actually have enough friends. I can hardly keep up with my "non FB" friends' birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, grandchildren, etc.....and even my own, so how can I have 176 friends who expect me to comment on their FB status, remark about photos of their kids, accept a martini, or help them get a cow for their farm? I can't do it.

I've received about five friend requests lately that I haven't responded to. One is from my 68 year old aunt! OMG. I hope she isn't into Farmville. I hope she doesn't get insulted that I won't "friend" her. I like her just the way she is....I don't need to know anymore about her than I already know. Same goes for my daughter-in-laws. I don't need to know that they "friended" my ex-husband. However, I think I was friends with them first.

The second time I re-upped with FB, I had an issue with the amount of info I was throwing out there. I can't figure out the privacy settings, so I decided to be non-descript. I updated my profile and changed my relationship status and in doing so, started a chain-reaction that crossed from the Pacific to the Atlantic. My daughter-in-law called to ask me what was going on? Did I break up with my long-time boyfriend and not tell her? She had received 6 inquires about my "status change" and she had to get back to everyone. What didn't make any sense is why didn't anyone just write on my wall to ask me?

Another thing that bothers me about FB is that just because we might share the same last name, it doesn't mean we are related....I use my maiden name hypenated with my married name.....You can't be my relative if the married name is the same as yours. FB people, it doesn't work that way.

FB people, I am bored to hear of your travels and I don't care that you shopped all day and are tired (hey buddy, I work with you...didn't you call in sick today?) I don't need to know that you got dozens of Mardi Gras beads. I don't care if you are married 17 days, 1 month or 13 weeks. Same goes for your kids. If I am required to buy a gift, I only want to know when they are completing a full year.

So, I have quit FB. I've quit before, but had to go back because my brother's cat friended me and he was just so cute that I couldn't resist....After all, I guess we are actually, sort of related. But this time, I am quitting for sure. I mean it...No more!

Today I heard that 26 year-old Mark Zuckerberg was anointed Time's Man of the Year. Damn you Mark Zuckerberg for making me feel so old!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Another one to love....

Lola Maria arrived on Wednesday, June 16th! She is my fifth grandchild, my fourth granddaughter, and second child of MY second child, Michael.

She wove a strand around my heart just like the other four have and attached herself firmly within the mesh of love that resides there.

I believe she looks just like her daddy on the day he was born. She seems to follow his eating and sleeping patterns as well. She is beautiful beyond belief, perfect beyond our prayers, and loved beyond her imagination.
I cannot believe I am a grandmother of five. I don't feel that old and don't believe I look that old...but then, the face of today's grandmothers has changed. Just look around you. Today's grandmothers no longer have white hair and canes. Good thing for me, because it ain't easy keeping up with five grandchildren aged five and under!

School's Out For Summer!

Today marked the first day back at work since school let out for the summer. The kids finished up on Thursday, the teachers Friday, and today......Monday, June 28th, was a "clean up" day for me. I discarded schedules, lists and the left over programs from the ceremonies I had been planning since March. They were executed without a glitch. They should be flawless since I have been organizing them since 1991. If I havent' mastered it yet, then I should really hang it up.

Thursday, the 1st will mark another year down and counting towards my long desired retirement. I predict this will have been my last full year.

I will be on "vacation" until after the 4th of July. This vacation will consist of catching up on a host of chores I have been putting off for "when I get a chance." My list consists of visits to family and friends, a stop at my favorite craft store, cooking a few home-cooked meals, planning a "real" vacation and spending some quality time with my kitty, Lucy.

No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks. Humm. The saying applies to secretaries, as well as kids!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where does the time go?

Wow, my first grandchild, Summer Victoria, will be starting school soon. I remember, just as I am sure her mom and dad do, the day that she was born. I remember the look on my son's face as he handed a "minutes old" baby into my arms and said, "I'd like to introduce you to your granddaughter, Summer Victoria." I was overwhelmed with joy, happiness, nostalgia, a touch of sadness, and a multitude of other feelings at that very precise moment. My heart welled up with love for a little pip-squeak that I didn't even know yet. The love came first......and that love will last. Summer just celebrated her fifth birthday. It all happened while I wasn't looking..but actually, I did look. I flew many miles to make sure that my granddaughter would know that I loved her. I was there (or they were here) for birthday parties, Christmases, Thanksgivings and next week, I will fly down to NC to watch her first dance recital. Fortunately for me, I get along great with my son and his wife. My DIL (Daughter-In-Law) and I have a great relationship and I pride myself in thinking that I have a lot to do with that fact. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I knew that I would never want to be a topic of their disagreements, butt in where it wasn't wanted, be a pain in the arse, or just be a Marie Barrone (Everybody Loves Raymond). Back to Summer. Summer was given my birth name as her middle name and I am so grateful for that special connection with my first grandaugther. Since her birth, they have gone on to increase their family with a son and another daughter. My connections have become more octopus-like now. I was able to spend the most time with Summer since they lived locally for her first year. Now, I am racking up the frequent flyer miles trying to include myself in as many special moments of their lives as possible. My son and his wife are great with keeping the bonds strong by calling or emailing often to fill me in on "the happenings." Pictures fly back and forth via the Internet and I often bless the inventor of the World Wide Web. It has helped me stay connected with my grandchildren and observe the passage of time. Summer is starting school......OMG. Wasn't she just born yesterday? Wasn't my son just born last year???? Days I'll always remember... like they were yesterday...Where does the time go?